von Γιούρι | Jan. 7, 2017 | Kulturelles
This year, because of strong winds and a wild sea, it was decided to do the celebration at the little harbour of the village, instead of on the beach. A few brave men dived into the ice cold water and catched the holy cross. Good luck for the whole year… Χρόνια...
von Γιούρι | Okt. 9, 2016 | Kulturelles
On the 8th of October, the Vocal Master Class had their Final Concert in the Community Hall at the Central Square. The teachers were Prof. Monika Bürchener Andrej Hovrin The following singers attended: Sol Lee – Soprano William Hunziker – Bass Michael...
von Γιούρι | Sep. 25, 2016 | Kulturelles
World Tourism Day in Mirtos More than 500 people On the 24th of September, for the 5th time the World Day of Tourism was celebrated on the Main Square of Mirtos. More than 500 people attended, tourists as well as inhabitants of Mirtos and the surrounding villages. A...
von Γιούρι | Aug. 4, 2016 | Menschen
Learn and Jump After LEARN TO FLY the kids of Mirtos will now LEARN TO JUMP!!! ANNOUNCEMENT From the 7th to the 22nd August 2016 fourteen children and youngsters from Mirtos in the age from 13 to 30 years old, will participate in the international program of youth...
von Γιούρι | Apr. 27, 2016 | Kulturelles, Menschen
Stella – the winner...